Incawasi Peru - A Dream For Every Child

VOLUNTEER & INTERN - Become a Volunteer

Volunteer profile

Incawasi is always looking for motivated, enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers, who have an interest in a rewarding cultural exchange, to help support the project. Although having some experience can be an asset, we welcome all individuals with diverse backgrounds who are committed to working together with the children and our support team.

We ask that volunteers commit to at least a one month stay with Incawasi, however we encourage longer term stays where possible as this proves to be a more meaningful experience for both the children and the volunteers. Given that the majority of the interactions take place in Spanish, it is an advantage if volunteers have a conversational level in Spanish (or are willing to learn). The children are also a great resource and can help volunteers to quickly improve their Spanish.

Accommodation and cost

Incawasi volunteers live onsite on the premises in the volunteer dormitories, there are basic beds with sheets, blankets and towels, there are 2 bathrooms with hot water showers, there is the main kitchen which volunteers are welcome to use when we are not preparing the meals for the children. There is an area to hand wash and dry clothes, and there is Wifi available onsite. The volunteers also receive a small breakfast and big lunch Monday through Friday with the children, and bottled drinking water.

Incawasi Volunteers are kindly asked to make a small financial contribution which covers their accommodation, meals, and use of all of the facilities on site. A portion of the contribution also goes towards helping cover Incawasi’s expenses in providing our services to the children. We really value when volunteers are able to help support the project over a longer-term commitment, as such the contribution rate decreases on a sliding scale.

Volunteer Contributions
Length of
Volunteer Stay
Deposited in Peru
(Incawasi's preference)
Deposited in Europe
- via Paypal in US$
- via French or German bank account in €
Months 1 to 3 US$375 per month
around $12.50 per day
US$400 per month
($375+$25 banking fees)
Months 4 to 6 US$300 per month
around $10.00 per day
US$320 per month
($300+$20 banking fees)
Months 7 onward US$225 per month
around $7.50 per day
US$240 per month
($225+$15 banking fees)
- There are no additional program fees to volunteer with Incawasi.
- When depositing into the French or German account we calculate the amount in € using the daily exchange rate.

It is Incawasi’s preference where possible for our volunteers to make their contribution directly there in Peru, as this makes the funds directly available for use towards helping run the program. If the volunteer is unable to deposit the funds there in Peru, and wishes to make their contribution into one of our fund raising bank accounts in France or Germany (equivalent in €) or via Paypal (in US$), we do ask for an additional amount. This helps to cover the bank fees, transfer and exchange rates that Incawasi is required to pay to transfer the funds for use there in Peru. The Incawasi European Bank Accounts and Paypal details are available on the DONATE & SPONSOR - Donate tab.

For contributions deposited in Europe, we are legally unable to provide a tax receipt, as a service is provided in exchange for the contribution and therefore cannot be considered a “donation”.

How to apply

To apply, please send us a resume/CV along with a short letter in which you explain why you are interest in volunteering at The Volunteer Coordinator will then set up a time over Skype to further discuss your application.

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